
Is summer your favorite season? It may be if you’re a real estate investor, especially one investing in single-family homes. Why? This past summer (2021) saw a BIG surge in single-family home investments. The surge was so significant that it more than made up for the slowdown during the pandemic.

This article gives us a great look into what exactly led to this surge, and, more importantly, gives insight into who was buying all of these houses.

According to, large investors (investors who retain more than 100 properties) were actually the smallest group of purchasers in June 2021, being twenty percent of all investor purchases. For comparison, that number in 2020 was 11%, and in 2019 was 14%.

Small investors (those who retain 3-10 properties) accounted for 46% of the purchases, while mid-sized investors stayed in their normal range of 35% of purchases.

Whether or not large investors are agile enough to navigate the single-family home marketplace is still valid, and only time will tell. However, if you’re looking to invest in real estate now, finding partners who are active in the right markets with the ability to find good deals is as important as ever.

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