blog post 13: Using real estate syndications to diversify your portfolio

Designing a bullet-proof portfolio has never seemed more imperative than now. Every financial problem we, as a nation, have managed to sweep under the rug for the last half-century is resurfacing simultaneously. In this article I explain that despite the financial problems our country is facing, there is hope in keeping your nest egg safer through adding real estate syndications to your portfolio. 


  • Social Security is on pace to run out by 2034
  • State governments are facing looming pension plan insolvency
  • The U.S. is trillions of dollars in debt and operating at a loss
  • Yields from fixed income for individual investors are dismal at best. 

Not to mention, our government is getting ready to conjure another two trillion dollars into existence in the form of a stimulus package.

Most People are not Prepared for their Financial Future 

Keeping oneself and one’s family financially sound can seem daunting. Therefore, it goes without saying that most people are unprepared when we look at statistics.

It certainly doesn’t help that we were never taught how money works in the first place. Nor does it help that our collective consciousness (which has the attention span of a gnat) is so easily hijacked by whatever topic is deemed more important by the media.

The Solution 

Wanting to protect purchasing power by owning tangible assets like real estate and precious metals is a great idea. However, translating that idea into reality can be challenging, particularly if you’ve never invested outside the stock market. 

BlackTree Investment Group uses syndications as a way for its investors to benefit from real estate investing. A syndication is when a sponsor (BlackTree Investment Group) raises money (capital) from its investors to buy numerous properties.  These properties are then renovated and a management company finds the appropriate tenants for each property. 

As a real estate investor, you don’t need to worry about being a landlord in a syndication. Gone is the hassle of getting your hands dirty or receiving calls from a tenant in the middle of the night. Instead, we buy, renovate, and manage the properties for you.  You get to enjoy the benefits of being a real estate investor without all the hassle of being a landlord. 

Real Estate Syndications “Pay” You Multiple Ways

Depending on the type of syndication, you can benefit from a steady incomesafeguard your purchasing power and capital with inflation protection, receive tax benefits and diversify into assets that have significantly reduced to no correlation with Wall Street and other markets of the world economy.

Connect with us

Our mission here at BlackTree Investment Group is to help passive investors become financially free by providing high-quality alternative investments. Feel free to schedule some time for us to chat to see if real estate investing is right for you.